The Korean characters 있을 유(有) 이로울 리(利) mean “will be” or “will fulfill.”
I’m a UC Berkeley graduate with a B.S. in Nutritional Science, emphasis in Dietetics, and currently an Illustrator and Storyteller at Wefunder.
I gave academia a fair chance, honest to God, but years of lab reports and clinical jargon got me hankerin’ after a way to marry the true passions of my heart: food, its systems, people, and creating.
So I’m doing just that: trying my darnedest to find the intersection between my interests so that my life and work are lovely to behold, fulfilling to my soul, and impactful to the world.
As for you — the heartiest of welcomes to you! You are now a witness to my elopement with art. It’s so nice of you to drop by.